POPs (persistent organic pollutants) at Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund)

5 January 2015 - 27 December 2023

Product information

Variable(s) PCB_170, PCB_157, PCB_138, PCB_189, PCB_31, sum_hexachlor_PCB, PCB_33, sum_PCB, PCB_167, sum_trichlor_PCB, sum_heptachlor_PCB, PCB_118, PCB_128, PCB_28, PCB_74, PCB_153, PCB_209, PCB_156, PCB_18, PCB_183, PCB_194, PCB_66, PCB_37, sum_tetrachlor_PCB, PCB_47, PCB_114, PCB_141, sum_pentachlor_PCB, PCB_180, PCB_105, HCB, PCB_123, PCB_206, PCB_99, PCB_187, PCB_122, PCB_52, PCB_149, PCB_101
Product type Observation
Instrument type(s)
  • High Vol Sampler
Timeliness Scheduled
Start time 5 January 2015
Stop time 27 December 2023
PID https://doi.org/10.48597/JJZA-84FN

Facility information

Facility name Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund) (NO0042G)
Facility type Observation platform, fixed
Coordinates 78.90715°N, 11.88668°E
Altitude 474.0 m

Citation & acknowledgements

Licence CC BY 4.0
Citation string Enge, E., Nizzetto, P. CAMP, NILU, EMEP, AMAP, 2015-2023, POPs (persistent organic pollutants) at Zeppelin mountain (Ny-Ålesund), data hosted by EBAS at NILU, DOI: https://doi.org/10.48597/5GQN-4DGK

Please include the following information in your publication. You may edit the text to suit publication standards.

Acknowledgements Data used in this <study/report/figure/etc.> were accessed from EBAS (https://ebas.nilu.no) hosted by NILU. Specifically, the use included data affiliated with the framework: CAMP, NILU, EMEP, AMAP


Ellen Katrin, Enge Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Pernilla Bohlin, Nizzetto Norwegian Institute for Air Research

Principal investigator(s)

Ellen Katrin, Enge Norwegian Institute for Air Research
Pernilla Bohlin, Nizzetto Norwegian Institute for Air Research