Lead at Kara sea expedition 1995

16 August 1995 - 16 September 1995

Product information

Variable(s) lead
Product type Observation
Instrument type(s)
  • Air Uk
Timeliness Scheduled
Start time 16 August 1995
Stop time 16 September 1995
Framework AMAP

Facility information

Facility name Kara sea expedition 1995 (RU1002R)
Facility type Observation platform, fixed
Coordinates 0.0°N, 0.0°E
Altitude 0.0 m

File information

No NetCDF file has been exported due to access restrictions.
PID https://doi.org/10.48597/99VF-237A
Last modified 1 May 2014 00:00:00

Provenance (to be completed)

Software ebas-io
Version history Concept DOI

Citation & acknowledgements

Licence CC BY 4.0
Citation string Metnikov, . AMAP, 1995-1995, Lead at Kara sea expedition 1995, data hosted by EBAS at NILU, DOI: https://doi.org/10.48597/99VF-237A

Please include the following information in your publication. You may edit the text to suit publication standards.

Acknowledgements Data used in this <study/report/figure/etc.> were accessed from EBAS (https://ebas.nilu.no) hosted by NILU. Specifically, the use included data affiliated with the framework: AMAP


, Metnikov

Principal investigator(s)

, Metnikov